New Mexico catalog offers many of its products at wholesale prices, when purchased in bulk.
Our authentic New Mexican foods are available for restaurants and grocery stores.
Our ristras have appeared in several major motion pictures, including Disney’s “Wild Hogs”. We have also supplied ristras for restaurants, garden centers, the Smithsonian Museum and special events, including Super Bowl parties and large weddings. Our ristras are the highest quality, are made to order and are available year round.
Fresh green chile and flame roasted frozen green chile from Hatch is also available in season at wholesale prices. We also offer a wide variety of dried chile peppers and chile powders, many of which are not listed on our website.
We understand the wholesale market and will be glad to discuss your requirements.
Attn: Chefs and Restaurant Owners
Now you can offer Hatch Green Chile on your menu. We can do all the roasting for you in our specially designed chile roaster, which uniformly blisters the peppers equally on all sides. (We leave some of the skin on to preserve the flavor until you use it.)
We can schedule weekly or monthly shipments to your kitchen of Fresh, Roasted or Chopped Green Chile. From February to August we ship #1 Premium Grade Mexico Chile and from August to January we ship Hatch Green Chile.
For more information on our Green Chile or any other of our Food Products, email us at, or call us at 888-678-0585.