
More and more people are discovering the convenience of ordering on the Internet. Our web site offers you access to more products than we can include in our catalog and you can order at your convenience any time day or night.

You can be assured that your order will reach us safely and securely when you order online with our secure shopping cart program.

With over 30 years of experience in the mail order business, we have the capability to fill your order promptly and to handle any of your customer service needs.

We can ship your gift directly to the recipient with a gift card.

Of course you can still call us if you want to talk to a real live person at 1-888-678-0585

Bookmarking our site on your web browser will make it easy for you to connect with us at your convenience.

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and Diner’s Club.

Credit Cards

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